toppic.png (143890 bytes)

topbar.png (1357 bytes)

main.png (688 bytes)

Visit the Dragonballtop50



images.png (829 bytes)

  Gallery 1


info.png (698 bytes)


  Saiyan Levels


  Nexus History



multi.png (962 bytes)

  DBZ Jap. Clips

  DBGT Jap. Clips

  Flash Movies















The Nexus History

This is the section where I keep the old layouts of the Nexus.  The Draonball z Nexus started on June 20, 2001 and has been running strong since then.  This site is currently on its third layout.  The first 2 were made in flash and were the most difficult to make.  This layout was made in HTML.  None of of the links work on the old layouts.  They are only up for historical purposes.

Layout 1 - This is my the first layout of the Nexus, and it was also the first layout I ever made.

Layout 2 - This is the second layout of the Nexus and my 4th layout ever.  It is basically an upgraded version of the old one.

allies.png (681 bytes)

stats.png (751 bytes)

Since 6/20/01



bottombar.png (574 bytes)