Super Saiyan Level
1 - This is the first level of a Super Saiyan.
In this form the eyes turn green, and hair becomes blonde and spiked up. Goku was
the first to reach this level during the Frieza Saga.
Ultra Super Saiyan
(Ascended Saiyan) - This form is very similar to SSJ1 except the muscles are bigger
and the saiyan is slower. Trunks was the first to reach this level during the
Android Saga.
Super Saiyan Level
2 - This form is similar to level 1. The saiyan's hair is spiked even more
and speed and strength greatly increased. Gohan was the first to reach this level
during the Cell Saga.
Super Saiyan Level
3 - In thi form the saiyan's hiar becomes longer and ridges appear where the
eyebrows used to be. Speed and strength is greatly increases. Goku was the
first to reach this level during the Buu saga.
Super Saiyan Level
4 - In this form the saiyan has black hair, red hair on the upper body and grows a
tail. This is by far the strongest level. Goku first reached this level during
the Bebe saga in DBGT.
Oorazu - This stage occurs when a saiyan with a tail looks at the
full moon. The saiyan's strength is inceased 10 fold.
Golden Oorazu
- This stage occurs when a saiyan with a tail
see's the full Earth. The saiyan's strength is increased 100 fold. |